12 Nov, 2019

Michelle Gallaher

Chief Executive Officer, ShareRoot; Managing Director, The Social Science

Social Media/AI as a Research Tool


Real world data opens up an extraordinary new opportunity for health care providers, medical researchers and developers of health technologies. And for the first-time patients and carers can be seen and heard clearly, participating directly in reflecting the real lived experience of living with a disease, disorder or major injury. The connected, information-rich environment that we now work and live in provides volumes of data about our health and wellness status. From structured objective data such as pathology, clinical records and disease registries through to patient generated data captured within apps, wearables and self-reported via social media, the health data environment delivers unprecedented access to information and is recalibrating the relationship between patients, providers and research. In this talk Michelle Gallaher, CEO of ShareRoot and MD of The Social Science will define and highlight a new perspective on real world data and patient generated content that is playing a key role in the expansion of research opportunities, supported by artificial intelligence.