Help us continue our ground-breaking research in regenerative medicine.
We warmly invite you to consider a gift in your will to support ARMI.
By including a bequest in your will, you can have a lasting and meaningful impact on current and future generations.
If you would like to direct your gift to a particular research area; we encourage you to speak to our Planned Giving team who can walk you through the process and discuss your wishes and preferences.
Please contact: OR call (03) 9903 4395.

How do I include a gift to ARMI in my will?
You can leave a bequest to ARMI by adding a codicil to your current will or by drafting a new will. We recommend that you seek advice from a solicitor.
The following bequest wording may be adapted by your legal adviser for inclusion in your will:
“I bequeath to Monash University, Wellington Rd, Clayton VIC 3800, ABN 12 377 614 012, the whole of my Estate (or ……% of my Estate, the residue of my Estate or the sum of $ …………), free of all duties and deductions, to the Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute (‘ARMI’) in such manner as ARMI may determine OR for the purposes of supporting (include specific research here). I direct that the receipt of Monash University shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my Trustee(s).”