ARMI Annual Report 2023
In 2023, the entire ARMI community continued to work as a team, translating discovery science into therapies through promotion of partnerships with Monash University, industry and health sectors. We continue to deliver research excellence with another year of achieving high-quality science. ARMI’s research and achievements continue to be published in top-tier, relevant journals. We have also expanded our range of expertise through the addition of three new groups. Our ARMI Strategic Plan 2020–2025 continues to guide our work towards improving health outcomes through translation of regenerative medicine research.
Industry engagement continues to be a high priority for ARMI. During 2023, we took a major step forward as Monash University Commercialisation and Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences (MNHS) Business Development teams established a hybrid equity/licensing arrangement with ARMI protein engineering spin-out company Orio Therapeutics.