Regenerate Newsletter – Autumn Edition 2017
Here are just some of the highlights for ARMI in the first quarter of 2017:
- Everyone loves a giant cheque: To end 2016, ARMI celebrated its first ever crowd funding for Muscular Dystrophy research – with a cheque presentation. ARMI partnered up with the crowd funding team Charidy to successfully beat an initial target of $10,000 while fundraising for a new qPCR machine late last year.
- In the spotlight – studying at ARMI: Students have the best of both worlds – the support and interactions of a research institute and the facilities and services of a large university.
- ARMI teams up with artists – bringing regenerative medicine to life: ARMI has launched an exciting new program, teaming up with local artists to create science-inspired work.
- A potential regenerative medicine therapy could decrease disability in people after stroke and other brain injuries.​
- ARMI is leading the way to fast tracking regenerative medicine therapies with The Centre for Commercialisation of Regenerative Medicine Australia.
Discover what other highlights have emerged and read the diverse range articles in the latest edition of Regenerate.