• Registration is free, capped at 60 participants on a first come basis
  • Registration/Abstract deadline (if not filled sooner) 31 July 202

The conference will include

  • Welcome cocktail event on Oct. 22nd from 5.30p.m. onwards at Prato Centre
  • 3 days conference charge with morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and conference pack
  • 1 gala dinner on Oct. 23rd at II Dek restaurant

What is not included

  • Airfare from your home destination to Prato
  • Train fare from Bologna or Rome airport to Prato
  • Transfers to and from Prato train station, trams, bus, taxi etc.
  • Hotel in Prato – we have negotiated a rate of €78.00 for a single classic room and made a block booking of rooms at Art Milano and you can secure a room by quoting Monash – 106324) while doing the reservation

Art Hotel Milano
Via Tiziano, 15
59100 Prato – Italy
tel. +39 0574 23371
fax +39 0574 27706

Whatsapp 333-7946656