with all the latest ARMI news and events. We know your inbox is overflowing, so we promise to only share important news and events with you – we hate SPAM too.

28 Aug,2017

Communication will help achieve vision

Dr Zita Unger, who sits on the Australian Regenerative Medicine Leadership Advisory Board (ARMILAB), believes communication is the key to fulfilling the vision of ARMI. If you looked beyond the outstanding career of Dr Zita Unger as an evaluator, educator and entrepreneur, you would discover that she is a keen diver with extensive experience in […]

16 Aug,2017

Laslett Group makes inroads with new antibodies to help study stem cells

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are pluripotent stem cells that can self-renew and have the potential to become any cell type found in the body. Human iPS and ESC cells are fundamental in regenerative medicine research, particularly understanding what makes a cell have this potential and being able to classify […]

12 Aug,2017

A campaign that’s One in a Million

The Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI) launched the One in a Million: Women in STEMM campaign on 1 June to fund scholarships for talented female researchers from around the world to join the ARMI research team. Women that are one in a million ARMI Development Advisor, Peter Dalton, explains the focus of the campaign. “The […]

12 Aug,2017

ARMI people

Exclusive award for optimistic Australian researcher The Nilsson Groups’s Ben Cao was optimistic when he applied for the 2017 Gilead Sciences International Research Scholars Program in Hematology/Oncology, but knew just how competitive it was. He was thrilled to be announced as one of the first Australian researchers to receive the award, which provides funding over 2 years. “The research […]

07 Jul,2017

Australian study clears way to growing replacement body organs

A discovery by Australian scientists promises to pave the way to producing replacement organs for damaged hearts, kidneys and bowels, using patients’ own stem cells. The research, pioneered by a team of scientists led by Professor Peter Currie, Director of the Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute at Monash University (Melbourne), could overcome the severe shortage of […]

14 Jun,2017

ARMI to lead research for international company

The Australian branch of Cell Mogrify, a company that drastically reduces the time it takes to reprogram cells, is run by A/Prof Jose Polo, Associate Professor and group leader at ARMI. In 2006, Japanese researchers stunned the world by showing that mature cells could be reprogrammed to become induced pluripotent stem cells, which could then, […]

10 Jun,2017

Matter of the heart: Spotlight on Dr Janine Kirk

We sat down with Dr Janine Kirk, Chair of ARMILAB, to discuss her reasons for taking an active leadership role with the Institute and her hopes for ARMI. Dr Janine Kirk is chair of The Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute Leadership Advisory Board (ARMILAB), which works with senior management and liaises with key stakeholders. She brings […]

28 May,2017

Artists have arrived at ARMI

The ARMI Artist in Residence Program has begun, with four artists visiting the Institute. Successful applicants have one week’s full access to the Institute, supervised access to labs, and can pick the brains of scientists at the cutting edge of regenerative medicine research for inspiration. A sneak peak of some of each of the artists’ […]

26 May,2017

ARMI announces quail facility to study skeletal muscle regeneration

In June 2016, Dr Olivier Serralbo received ARMI’s first shipment of quails – the start of a yearlong process to build the Monash Transgenic Quail Facility (MTQF) at ARMI, a significant step in fast-tracking our understanding of skeletal muscle regeneration.​ This work has been a while in the making – Dr Serralbo and Professor Marcelle […]

23 May,2017

International bioinformatics competition proves high thinkability

Thinkable, an online innovation platform that allows organisations to source, showcase & celebrate the latest research from across the world, has joined forces with The Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI) at Monash University, Centre for Systems Genomics at the University of Melbourne and Melbourne Bioinformatics to host their first global ‘Peer Prize’ for bioinformatics. ARMI […]