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The Science of Juggling: Mirana Ramialison on Research and Motherhood
Life of the female scientist will inevitably incur more career disruptions than that of their male counterparts. For Mirana, her disruption is a tug of war -albeit a good one- between her two loves; science and motherhood. Heading off for six months maternity leave in April, it’s a frantic time for Mirana at ARMI. Juggling […]
Imagine if… ARMI’s Community Partnership Program. It’s time to talk science
Imagine a future where will be able to control our bodies and accelerate our healing—it’s time to talk regenerative medicine—a complex but fantastical field that holds amazing potential for human health. ARMI researchers are focused on learning more about how the body develops and repairs itself so that this information can be used to treat […]
The ISSCR is coming to Melbourne – and ARMI will be there
The International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) is coming to Melbourne and with it, it brings some of the greatest minds in stem cell research, including ARMI’s Director of Research, Professor Peter Currie who will be presenting a session on ‘Stem Cells in Organ Development and Maintenance’. The not-for-profit organisation, established in 2002, has […]
Vital mechanism underlying the interplay between neuronal activity and myelination uncovered in new research
A new publication in the high-impact journal Nature Communications from the Merson group at the Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI) has further defined the relationship between neuronal activity and the process of myelination, a critical step in the development of the central nervous system and in the maintenance of healthy brain function. This research provides novel insights […]
New research highlights crucial protein-protein interactions in muscle development
A discovery from the Currie Group at the Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI), recently published in the high-impact journal Cell Reports, has shown a crucial role for TCP-1 ring complex (TRiC) in the formation of skeletal muscle and the hereditary neuromuscular disorder, nemaline myopathy. This work, led by Senior Research Fellow Dr Joachim Berger, provides novel insights into […]
Australian study demonstrates newborn visual pathway vital to reaching and grasping behaviour
A discovery led by Australian scientists at the Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute at Monash University published today, confirms the importance of the transient visual pathway in supporting the reach and grasp response commonly seen in newborn primates within the first few hours or days after birth. ‘This discovery demonstrates the presence and importance of the […]
A young boy missing the visual centre of his brain retains vision – stunning researchers.
In a first-time discovery (shocking doctors and researchers alike) a young Australian boy has retained his vision despite missing the visual cortex of his brain. Due to a rare metabolic disorder, the seven year old boy – referred to as ‘BI’ – showed no flaws in his vision other than that of nearsightedness. Following the […]
Ground-breaking research reveals critical mechanisms of cell reprogramming
In a host of publications spearheaded by Associate Professor Jose Polo from the Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute and the Monash University Biomedicine Discovery Institute, an international team of scientists have uncovered key aspects of cell reprogramming. Over a decade ago, Japanese scientists described a cassette of four transcription factors that could transform any cell into […]
Regenerate Newsletter – Summer Edition 2017
The Summer 2017 of the ARMI newsletter, Regenerate, is now available for download in the ‘Resources’ section. Here are just some of the highlights for ARMI in the final quarter of 2017: New discoveries pave the way for improved understanding of stem cell research tools. Meet Dr Harald Janovjak. He’s a basic biology researcher with […]
Training the next generation of entrepreneurial scientists
ARMI partners with Monash University’s Global Challenges Program The Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI) is working with Monash University’s Bachelor of Science Advanced – Global Challenges (Honours) course to deliver the next generation of entrepreneurial scientists. Students from the Global Challenges course are undertaking a specialist industry focused research project with ARMI scientists and the Universities Food Innovation […]