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01 Dec,2015

ARMI Newsletter December 2015

Issue 4 of the ARMI newsletter, Regenerate, is now available for download in the ‘Resources’ section. In this issue: Random Walks in Regenerative Medicine  From the Editor Professor Peter Currie ARMI Group Leader hits the United Nations in New York Farewell to Director Nadia Rosenthal Thursday 14th December 2014 The ARMI Well-deserved Page! ARMI’s Eureka Moment! […]

03 Nov,2015

Spotlight on zebrafish

Although they are small in stature, measuring between 2.5cm to 4cm, the tropical fish native to South East Asia are making important contributions to scientific research, particularly the field of regenerative medicine. The zebrafish (also known as Danio rerio) has become a widely used model organism in scientific research because of some key advantages. What are […]

02 Nov,2015

ARMI Annual Report 2014

Contents include: Director’s report Research Highlights Research Group Reports Core Research Facilities ARMI Team Research Activities and publications To receive a printed copy of the report, please email your postal address to laura.crilley@monash.edu. 

19 Oct,2015

Sharks could reveal how neck disease forms in humans

As published in the Health Canal October 19 2015 Researcher Catherine Boisvert conducts egg drug injection work for the project. New insights into how the neck vertebrae of elephant sharks naturally become fused could help researchers to understand how neck development can go wrong in people affected by disease. In a paper published in journal, PLoS One, researchers […]

05 Oct,2015

The science of Celtic music

Whenever you pass by Eamon Coughlan’s work area, you’re greeted with a variety of stringed musical instruments – a guitar, a mandolin and this oddly shaped wooden gourd.  Eamon is the youngest of six in a family with an Irish background. All of his sisters have been dancing to Irish music for years. Being exposed […]

02 Sep,2015

The illustrated man

Rodney Glanville is one of the primary technicians at FishCore. He attracts a lot of attention and not just because he’s great at his job. Walking around the aquarium at ARMI, it will be hard to miss Rodney Glanville. Rodney is one of the primary aquarium technicians at ARMI’s FishCore, responsible for such things as fish […]

27 Aug,2015

Monash team wins Eureka Prize

It’s billed as the Oscars of Australian Science and last night Monash University researchers ARMI Deputy Director Professor Peter Currie and PhD student Phong Nguyen, from the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, together with Dr Georgina Hollway from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research have won this year’s Eureka Prize for scientific research. […]

04 Jun,2015

Australian fossil forces rethink on ancestors’ emergence onto land’

The first backboned animals to step out of water and walk on dry land were from Australia, a new study has found. Previously it was thought that the first terrestrial vertebrates were small animals from Scotland. However analysis of a 333 million year old broken bone by researchers from Monash University, Queensland University of Technology […]

01 Jun,2015

ARMI Newsletter June 2015

Issue 3 of the ARMI newsletter, Regenerate, is now available for download in the ‘Resources’ section. In this issue: Regenerating Australian Science Careers From the Editor Professor Peter Currie The Director’s Words  EMBL Australia Executive Director says it like it is ARMI breaking news Backstage Pass at ARMI

20 May,2015

Introducing new open access journal – npj Regenerative Medicine

Nature Publishing Group has partnered with Monash University, Australia to publish npj Regenerative Medicine, a new open access research journal that will explore the potential of organisms to restore and regenerate damaged cells, tissues and organs. The study of regenerative medicine has the potential to help scientists and clinicians devise early-intervention treatments for traumatic injury or […]