In the spotlight – studying at ARMI
ARMI students have the best of both worlds – the support and interactions of a research institute and the facilities and services of a large university.
Jane McCausland, Student Programs Coordinator, says this helps to make ARMI a first-choice destination for students.
“We are relatively small and I’m very ‘hands on’ with our students. Because our overall student numbers are lower, students can do a lot more together rather than if they were in a large environment.
“Feedback to date is that students at ARMI are well-looked after, have an active social group and have the opportunity to do great science.”
Jane says ARMI has always focused on training the next generation of scientists and attracting outstanding students is the foundation of achieving that goal.
The Institute offers the opportunity to work with highly regarded researchers using state-of-the-art facilities at the Institute. Students can also tap into core services and technical facilities at Monash University.
Jane says students coming to study at ARMI will have everything they need at their fingertips.
“Students enjoy being a part of cutting-edge research and most complete their studies with an excellent publication record. They are then well equipped to go to a post-doctoral position or take the next steps to move their careers in the direction of their choosing.
“Our aim is to provide the optimal environment, so students are in a position to make those sort of choices and to have lots of options.”
Major student success stories include:
- Current student Celia Vandestandt received the Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship to do a PhD on spinal cord regeneration.
- Past student Dr Phong Nguyen was part of the team whose discovery could lead to new ways of generating human blood in times of crisis. This work resulted in an article in the prestigious Nature journal and cumulated in the team being awarded the Eureka Prize for scientific research.
“We love having students at ARMI. Students bring enthusiasm to the Institute as they become excited about their projects. We encourage students to take ownership of their projects and direct where they’re going.”
Undergraduate students can get a feel for research in Honours degree projects or in the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), a paid employment scheme to work up to 12 months at ARMI.
Postgraduate students can further their careers in medical research in a PhD program. ARMI is also eager to help students interested in business through the Master of International Business or the Executive Master of Business Administration degrees.
Studying at ARMI – what’s in it for you?
- Work with some of Australia’s best researchers in a cutting-edge field.
- Access some of the best science facilities and equipment in Australia.
- Build national and international industry and academic contacts.
- Gain international opportunities such as attending the:
- Annual RIKEN Immunology Summer School (Tokyo, Japan)
- Annual MDI Biological Laboratory – two-week regenerative medicine course (Maine, USA)
- Annual European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) PhD Student Symposium in Europe (Heidelberg, Germany) and
- National EMBL Australia activities.
- Apply for travel grants to present at Australian research societies.
- Make friends and be part of a vibrant student group whose members support each other and run academic and social activities.
If you are interested in studying at ARMI, call Jane McCausland on +61 (03) 9902 9607 or email